I proceeded south and was able to see the bear that I had seen last night south of the Mud Volcanoes. It was actually the first pullout south of Le Hardy Rapids. I got a few shots, but it was still fairly overcast and I had to shoot at ISO800.

I went toward Fishing to meet with Bob (tnphoto on Y-Net) and his wife for breakfast. We actually met elsewhere and they decided they would head to Pahaska Tepee to try with the foxes.
Today was a little bit lazy in the morning, but picked up this afternoon. I saw a small jam in the Antelope Creek drainage, but I didn’t stop because the rangers were looking testy and there weren’t a lot of good parking spots, and the ranger looked upset when I tried to park where a vehicle had just left, so I went on without knowing what the jam was about.
I headed over to Petrified Tree and got to see a black bear on the trail to Lost Lake. I was able to get a few shots, but it headed toward the lake and even though I went about a half mile, I could not catch up to see it.
Later, there was a jam right at the Tower Ranger station. There was a black bear with a cub on a kill just off the road. Not sure what they were eating, but it was a good time. Unfortunately, I had to shoot into the sun, so I am not sure how the shots are going to come out. I had to park at the station and hike with the 600mm lens up the hill about a quarter mile.

As I was heading back to the Hayden, I saw a fox at the corrals at Roosevelt just for a second. Then between the Chittenden Turn Out and the next big turn out I saw two black bears, one black and one cinnamon down in the burnt out timber. By the time I parked, and hiked back they were well out of frame. Boy was the wind cold up there. Probably 30mph gusts or more and the air temperature was down to 47, cold for us Arizona desert boys.
I spent the night wandering the Hayden Valley, but without much success. I did see a bald eagle out in the Yellowstone River, but that was it. Of course as I headed back to the Canyon Lodge, there had been a wolf sighting near the Mary Mountain Trailhead.
I hope to see you under the Western Skies.
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