Back near Elk Creek we came on a bear jam for a black bear with two cubs.

On the western flank of Washburn we came on a huge jam, but it was worth it, there was a cinnamon black bear with a cub eating on a carcass.

The rest of the day was pretty much a bust, but we did take a nap around 3:30pm until 6:00pm. After that we went over Artist Point for some late sun pictures of the lower falls. Then out to the Hayden where we waited at Grizzly Overlook for an hour and observed some sandhills cranes and a bald eagle. Down further south in the valley there was a report of a larger herd of elk and so we went down to see if any preditors were about. We got to see a grizzly chase the elk for about an hour, and then he headed out. But he got a scent of a newborn bison calf and was on the chase almost to the south end of the valley. The calf got away. This was a good day.
I hope to see you under the Western Skies.
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